Monday, March 14, 2011

Here we go!

I watched Julie and Julia the other day and was kind of inspired, not to cook my way through a massive French cookbook but to do something. So the something I picked was this blog and as you might have surmised I plan on chatting about food. If you and I are Facebook friends you know that I often post about the meals I make because I love to cook and I love to share my culinary efforts. I plan on using this as a forum for sharing recipes, fun finds, favorite tools and things I long for in my kitchen. Feel free to offer suggestions and ideas and bear with me as I get the hang of this whole blogging thing!


  1. I just wanted to be the first person to comment on your blog so I am. Yea food! And I love that you started a food-named blog on pi day!

  2. Yea for comments! You'll get a prize by the end of the week. :)

  3. I love that your background is books! :)

  4. I figured it was appropriate for a teacher.

  5. And girls, you should "follow" me so I don't feel lonely! :)


What's on your mind?